Cologne-based work clothing manufacturer, Bierbaum-Proenen and Greven-based logistics company, FIEGE have been enjoying their successful collaboration for a quarter of a century. Both family businesses have continuously expanded their cooperation over the past 25 years – and look forward to a shared future. Thursday marked a day of celebrating at the FIEGE location in Greven Reckenfeld.

Cologne-based work clothing manufacturer, Bierbaum-Proenen and Greven-based logistics company, FIEGE have been enjoying their successful collaboration for a quarter of a century. Both family businesses have continuously expanded their cooperation over the past 25 years – and look forward to a shared future. Thursday marked a day of celebrating at the FIEGE location in Greven Reckenfeld.

A broad alliance featuring businesses, associations, politics and Germany’s KfW investment and development bank is aiming to improve funding of and for start-ups, innovation and venture capital in Germany. The WIN initiative – an acronym that stands for growth and innovation capital for Germany – is campaigning for Germany as a location for start-ups in a joint Memorandum of Understanding. FIEGE is part of the initiative.

Business Operations

Gleichenfeier: Kai Alfermann, Managing Director FIEGE Real Estate, Thomas Steinhart, Bezirksvorsteher von Simmering, Michael Jahn, Geschäftsführer FIEGE Austria, Peter Scherbel, Vorstand bei FIEGE, und Heinz Fiege, früherer Inhaber von FIEGE.

The logistics service provider FIEGE is expanding its location in the Austrian capital. In a central location and in close proximity to the existing site in Vienna, the more than 150-year-old family business is building an additional logistics centre . The Completion is scheduled for next summer. On Thursday, the topping out ceremony took place.

FIEGE und Bierbaum-Proenen feiern das 25-jährige Jubiläum ihrer Partnerschaft.

Cologne-based work clothing manufacturer, Bierbaum-Proenen and Greven-based logistics company, FIEGE have been enjoying their successful collaboration for a quarter of a century. Both family businesses have continuously expanded their cooperation over the past 25 years – and look forward to a shared future. Thursday marked a day of celebrating at the FIEGE location in Greven Reckenfeld.

Symbolisches Durchschneiden des Eröffnungsbandes zur Einweihung des neuen FIEGE Logistikzentrums in Bülach (Schweiz)

The logistics company FIEGE invests in its location in Bülach. In close proximity to Zurich airport, an additional multi-user centre has been built for clients operating in eCommerce, fashion, FMCG and the industry. On the occasion of the grand opening last Friday, some 70 guests had been invited, including Carmen Walker Späh, member of the Government Council of the Canton of Zurich.

Michael Jahn, Geschäftsführer FIEGE Austria, und Andreas Kuzmits, Geschäftsführer Hisense Gorenje Austria, freuen sich über die zukünftige Partnerschaft.

Hisense Gorenje is set to rely on expertise of the FIEGE Group in the future. Next to procurement logistics, the contract logistics expert will oversee both warehousing and order picking plus delivery of the complete product assortment for the international electronics group in Austria.

Autostore in der FIEGE Niederlassung in Greven-Reckenfeld

The logistics company FIEGE has successfully completed the ramp-up for its new Autostore at its multi-user centre in Greven-Reckenfeld. During peak times, the automated system which integrates with robotic and packaging technology, will store up to one million items for Contorion, a tools e-tailer.

Andreas Thiede, Managing Director FIEGE Geschäftseinheit Healthcare

The FIEGE Group is expanding the management team for its Healthcare business unit by bringing Andreas Thiede on board. In the future, the industry expert will oversee the hospital, pharmaceutical and MedTech division of the 150-year-old family business in the position of Managing Director jointly with Michael Lorca.


St. Franziskus-Stiftung and FIEGE joined forces and entered unknown territory in 2001. The medicalORDERcenter (MOC) in Ahlen was the first of its kind and remains a unique facility within Europe to this day. In the meantime, it operates as a hospital dispensary, commodity trading company or central sterilisation for 600 doctor’s offices and more than 50 clinics even outside of the Münster-based network.

Symbolischer erster Spatenstich für das neue FIEGE Logistikzentrum in Zülpich

The family business FIEGE is expanding its location in Zülpich near Cologne by an additional 50,000 square metres of logistics space, creating around 250 new jobs. The first sod was turned on Wednesday. The new multi-user centre is scheduled to be completed in autumn of 2024.

Pressefoto des Festaktes zum 150. FIEGE Geburtstag

The FIEGE Group is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. Over the past one and a half centuries, the family business from Greven in Westphalia has grown from a small haulage company to a provider of international logistics with a headcount of 23,500. Attending the ceremonial act: the Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst and the Lord Mayor of Münster, Markus Lewe.

Gruppenbild vom Lean-Management-Bootcamp

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) is a crucial factor in upholding competitiveness. FIEGE recently trialled a new tool together with a long-time client. The aim of the so-called bootcamp: to expand knowledge, to strengthen the team spirit, and to optimise outbound operations.

FIEGE Team in Castel San Giovanni

Tannico has what must be the world’s largest collection of fine Italian wines. The international e-tailer holds licences for 15,000 wine labels from 2,500 wineries. The logistics was outsourced to FIEGE in 2016. Only five years later, FIEGE opened a fully automated warehouse for Tannico in Castel San Giovanni near Milan.

Die Online-Plattform Palettenheld ermöglicht bedarfsgerechtes Lademittel-Management.

The online platform traces the journey of unit load devices in real time. FIEGE thus creates a more efficient pallet management with short routes that saves time, money, and effort.

FIEGE Logistikzentrum in Westzaan

The logistics company FIEGE has added yet another client from the expanding Home Décor and furniture segment to its portfolio with the Dutch interior design brand, POLSPOTTEN. FIEGE will provide a new home for this business at its multi-user centre in Westzaan, which is to the north of Amsterdam and where the contract logistics expert is already running operations for the Zuiver Group.

FIEGE Mitarbeiter im Hochregallager

The logistics company FIEGE has acquired Vienna-based AV Logistic Center GmbH. Next to a large part of client operations, all employees as well as fixed assets relocated to the neighbouring FIEGE logistics centre situated at ‘in der Schußlinie’.

Luftaufnahme des Anbaus am FIEGE Standort in Hamburg-Moorfleet.

The logistics company FIEGE has added a further warehouse to the multi-user centre located to the south-east of Hamburg. The region of strategic importance now offers around 90,000 square metres of logistics space to clients from a range of different industries.

Visualisierung des FIEGE Standorts in Bülach bei Zürich.

In Switzerland, FIEGE is renewing its location in Bülach and investing into the construction of a 17,000-square-metres-large logistics centre near Zurich Airport.

Jubiläumsfeier "25 Jahre FIEGE in Polen" in Warschau

The big 150-year celebration is about to take place in 2023, but this year will already see corks flying: Our colleagues at Central Eastern Europe are celebrating 25 years of FIEGE in Poland. On the occasion of the anniversary celebration that took place this week in Warsaw, we look back at a story that started in a village called Odrzywołek.

Gruppenfoto bei der Eröffnung des neuen FIEGE Logistikzentrums in Zaandam

The Greven-based logistics company strengthens its presence in the Netherlands. At the new logistics centre in Zaandam, the Dutch subsidiary FIEGE B.V. consolidates a large part of its clients’ business in the consumer products sector.

Leantatsic Fiege

5.7 million euros – that is the amount that FIEGE has helped its clients save with optimisation projects that were rolled out in 2021. Lean Management is the magic word on the way to greater improvement and less waste.


The Fiege Group has increased its interest in heyconnect GmbH to over 90 per cent. This makes the family business from Greven in Westphalia the largest shareholder of the Hamburg-based specialist for online marketplaces. Its founders, Marcel Brindöpke and Florian Curdt will remain on board as managing directors for the long term.


FIEGE is the new logistics partner of Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH. Starting 1 July 2022, the logistics company based in Greven in Westphalia will take charge of warehouse logistics, value-added services, and transportation within Germany, but also to Austria as well as parts of France for Beam Suntory, a world leader in premium spirits.

Standort Zülpich

The logistics provider FIEGE has brought a PV system online at its location in Zülpich which will generate power for captive consumption by FIEGE. Covering a 5,000 square-metres-large rooftop, the system will produce over 400,000 kilowatt hours of electricity each year. This is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 115 households.


Movement on the B side: Excavation has started for the modern office building which FIEGE is building in Münster’s Stadthafen I. Preparations for the bored pile wall to waterproof the retaining walls have been underway since September. The FIEGE family business will have around 10,000 square metres of useful area at its disposal once the new building is completed.


WERNS, ruler of animal kingdom. Since the end of last year, the young designer brand from Münster has been selling their extravagant products from the animal kingdom via their own online shop across the whole of Europe – backed by logistics from FIEGE NOW.


What does the city of the future look like? What role will inner cities play? Many people around the globe are tackling questions like these. One of them is the renowned Danish architect, Jan Gehl who has overseen urban development projects around the world. His conclusion: “A good city is like a good party – people stay longer than really necessary because they are enjoying themselves.”

And to achieve this, our urban centres need to change. New mobility concepts, progressing digitalisation and changing consumer habits put pressure specifically on the brick-and-mortar retail trade. “The problems existed long before Covid did. However, the crisis and here in particular, the lengthy lockdowns acted like an accelerant”, says Felix Koch, Strategic Project Manager City Logistics at Fiege.

Frau schaut in ein Paket

FIEGE is defining new product development processes to spot market niches sooner and fulfil its customers’ needs more purposefully by drawing on the power of information.

Team Smartlane

Smartlane uses algorithms to handle piece goods more efficiently and just received financing in excess of €6 million. The start-up’s business model also won over the venture capital fund, F-LOG Ventures, whose anchor investor is the Fiege Group.

Urkundenübergabe Fiege

Jens and Felix Fiege, who together have been spearheading FIEGE since 2014 as fifth-generation family members, have received the Family Entrepreneur of the Year award from INTES Academy. The award is presented jointly with FBN Deutschland and the German association of family entrepreneurs, Die Familienunternehmer.

Fiege E-Commerce

Since July 2021, new rules on how to pay and to calculate value added tax on cross-border online sales have come into effect within the EU. To take the pressure off eCommerce players, FIEGE has partnered with the Berlin tech company, countX.

Verschiedene Transportmöglichkeiten die FIEGE bietet (per Schiff, LKW oder Flugzeug)

Fiege has reached an agreement with AIT Worldwide Logistics to sell the legal entities within the Business Unit International Freight Forwarding (IFF) as well as the Forwarding Business in Far East. Closing of the transaction is anticipated on December 29th, 2020.

FIEGE Münster Hafen Siegerentwurf

FIEGE will be building a new home for the logistics provider’s digital business units in Münster’s Stadthafen I district. An architectural competition was sponsored which called for design proposals of the planned building to be situated on the B-side of the Hafen area.

Lufthansa Cargo Team

At the Lufthansa Cargo Center (LCC) in Frankfurt, “Fiege Air Cargo Logistics GmbH & Co. KG” (FACL) will take over the operative handling and co-ordination of inbound and outbound standard shipments in several phases until mid 2021. The physical cargo handling processes in the LCC had already been largely outsourced to various external service providers for many years.

Das erste Flugzeug aus Shenzhen nach Frankfurt mit Ware für FIEGE an Bord

At the Lufthansa Cargo Center (LCC) in Frankfurt, “Fiege Air Cargo Logistics GmbH & Co. KG” (FACL) will take over the operative handling and co-ordination of inbound and outbound standard shipments in several phases until mid 2021. The physical cargo handling processes in the LCC had already been largely outsourced to various external service providers for many years.

Apfelstädt Standort Luftaufnahme

The logistics company Fiege is actively preparing a concept which secures the flow of critical goods throughout Europe should the coronavirus continue to spread. This includes pharmaceutical as well as medical supplies, food and crucial production materials for the industry.

Die beiden Gründer von Zenfulfillment vor einer weißen Wand auf der das Firmenlogo zu sehen ist.

The fulfilment specialist FIEGE is one of the investors seed-financing the start-up Zenfulfillment. Zenfulfillment’s software development enables online retailers to connect with market places and online shops like Shopify and WooCommerce with a few clicks only. Shipping and returns management can be conveniently outsourced.


FIEGE für innovative Personalarbeit ausgezeichnet

Cologne-based work clothing manufacturer, Bierbaum-Proenen and Greven-based logistics company, FIEGE have been enjoying their successful collaboration for a quarter of a century. Both family businesses have continuously expanded their cooperation over the past 25 years – and look forward to a shared future. Thursday marked a day of celebrating at the FIEGE location in Greven Reckenfeld.

Das Finale des FIEGE Soccer Cups läuft im Adam-Günderoth-Stadion in Lampertheim

Big time setting, big time football: 3,000+ fans and players head to Lampertheim in Hesse for the 18th instalment of the FIEGE Soccer Cup. In the end, there were multiple reasons to celebrate: two firsts and the defending champion’s repeat win. And again, a one-of-a-kind event which was about so much more than football alone.

FIEGE unterzeichnet die Charta der Vielfalt

The logistics company FIEGE joined the Diversity Charter initiative. With this step, the family business from Greven in Westphalia intensifies its efforts in securing a diverse and non-discriminatory working environment for its global workforce of 22,000.

150-Jahre-Fan-Choreo beim FIEGE Soccer Cup

Soccer Cup on the big stage: The 150th anniversary edition of the company’s signature football tournament goes down as the biggest event in the history of FIEGE. A venue set against a breath-taking backdrop made up of 3,500 participants is what the Preußen Stadium in Münster was.

FIEGE Mitarbeitende formen die Zahl 150

In 1873, Joan Joseph Fiege, then a farmer, founded a small haulage business in Greven in Westphalia. Fast forward 150 years, and FIEGE has become an international logistics company with a workforce of more than 23,000 people working in 16 countries that pursues – next to its core activity, contract logistics – also real estate, ventures, and digital services. Despite ongoing growth for one and a half centuries, the FIEGE family business has maintained its values as well as a special attachment to their home region.

Restaurierter Büssing 8000 im originalen FIEGE Design

We are celebrating our 150th anniversary. Many special events are planned for the anniversary year, all with a view to saying: Thank you!

FIEGE Team in Castel San Giovanni

FIEGE Italy is changing its role from sub-contractor to principal contractor at the fashion sites in Castel San Giovanni and Stradella. This will benefit employees in particular.

FIEGE Equality Power

FIEGE’s Equality Power project creates even greater awareness for equal opportunity and works out measures that help to advance employees at FIEGE in more ways than one.

Unternehmenskultur in Bestform beim FIEGE Soccer Cup 2022.

Corporate culture is a matter of utmost priority at FIEGE. But how exactly is it formed? And how does it evolve in an organisation with 23,000 employees? Who or what defines it? And why is how so much more relevant that what? An interview with Alexander Neudorf, Director People & Culture at FIEGE, and the Leadership & Culture associates, Charlotte Heithoff and Dr. Matthias Teine.

Fail Forward Session

You learn from your mistakes – or so they say. However, the basic requisite for this is: Mistakes and their consequences must be made visible and openly addressed without reservations. In-house Fail Forward sessions allow FIEGE to create the starting point for a no-blame culture free of fear.


FIEGE had once again invited friends to join it for its FAST & FORWARD event held in Berlin on Thursday. The goal of this year’s networking event is to bring companies and start-ups together, engage in discussions, and take along fresh stimuli for one’s teams and organisations. An expectation which once again was more than fulfilled.

Gruppenfoto der Siegerinnen des Damenturniers

Das Familienunternehmen aus dem westfälischen Greven setzt am Standort Apfelstädt zusammen mit dem Sportartikel-Händler ein großes Automatisierungsprojekt um – auf einer Fläche von fast 10.000 Quadratmetern.

Kollegengespräch auf der Fläche in Mönchengladbach

Continued professional development (CPD) is key to good HR policy. Next to in-company training offers, FIEGE also relies on the specific development of skills outside of the company.

Kollegen der Fiege Academy in einem Meeting

“Let’s grow! Learn & develop together” is the next-level maxim defining continued professional development at Fiege. The project initiated in 2020 with this motto aims to establish the FIEGE Academy as an international platform.

Fiege Laptop

FIEGE wants to learn about its employees’ level of satisfaction as well as opinion and refers to a company-wide employee survey for this. The goal is to help identify where FIEGE is getting things right, but also unveil the potential for optimisation, and where change processes can be set into motion.

Inklusionsprojekt RED

FIEGE has called to life an innovative inclusion project in Nagarole Rocca. RED: Responsabilità e diversità – Responsibility and Diversity – is the name of the project that is dedicated to the employment and inclusion of by now eleven people with disability at the Italian facility.



A broad alliance featuring businesses, associations, politics and Germany’s KfW investment and development bank is aiming to improve funding of and for start-ups, innovation and venture capital in Germany. The WIN initiative – an acronym that stands for growth and innovation capital for Germany – is campaigning for Germany as a location for start-ups in a joint Memorandum of Understanding. FIEGE is part of the initiative.

Together in Automation

Together in Automation is staged for the first time at the FIEGE location in Apfelstädt. The event is characterised by an open exchange about automation in logistics. At the end of the day, many valuable insights and stimuli are gained.

1)	„Beyond the buzz: How Artificial Intelligence is changing industries“ – Sarah Schimmelpfennig, Executive Director Marketing & Communications bei FIEGE, und Co-CEO Jens Fiege eröffneten das sechste FAST & FORWARD.

FIEGE had once again invited friends to join it for its FAST & FORWARD event held in Berlin on Thursday. The goal of this year’s networking event is to bring companies and start-ups together, engage in discussions, and take along fresh stimuli for one’s teams and organisations. An expectation which once again was more than fulfilled.


FIEGE has participated in asellerate’s Series A funding round. The Stuttgart start-up formerly known as Retromotion has grown its portfolio of services, offering integrated software solutions for the automotive eCommerce aftermarket.

Onomotion Cargobike von HomeRide

In 2017, FIEGE began building its own Ventures unit as the company’s fourth strategic pillar. FIEGE’s three autonomous units – XPRESS Ventures, F-LOG Ventures, and Strategic Ventures – assist start-ups during their various development phases, an approach which is beginning to bear fruit.


The logistics company FIEGE has brought two robotic arms online at its location in Greven-Reckenfeld. Two different versions of the automated solution by Nomagic which handle bin picking complexities have been installed at FIEGE.


F-LOG Ventures, the venture capital fund of the FIEGE Group, has joined Veecle's seed financing round. The young Berlin-based company, which develops software for the integration into vehicles, secured a total of 2.6 million euros from F-LOG Ventures and other investors.

Gründerteam von Logistikbude

The FIEGE Company Builder, XPRESS Ventures added the Dortmund-based start-up, Logistikbude to its portfolio. The seed funding for the platform for automatic management of loading equipment management amounted to 2.2 million euros.

Magazino-Roboter bei der Kommissionierung im FIEGE Logistikzentrum

In 2017, FIEGE invested in the robotics start-up, Magazino and has since enjoyed a close collaboration with the Munich-based enterprise. FIEGE has now sold this investment to Jungheinrich. The intralogistics company will be taking over Magazino as a whole.

Teilnehmer:innen des Innovation Day bei FIEGE

FIEGE staged an Innovation Day at its branch in Marklkofen in collaboration with its client, MANN+HUMMEL. Next to an exciting look at everything from digitalisation and automation to Lean Management, participants were able to experience one of FIEGE’s new electric trucks live on location.

Zwei Mitarbeiter heben mit Unterstützung durch das Exoskelett

Since the summer of this year, employees at the FIEGE Mega Center Ibbenbüren have been using exoskeletons. This technology provides powerful support for lifting movements during order picking.

Fiege Lagerhalle in Worms

At the FIEGE IDC in Worms, operations are abuzz. On 80,000 square metres of logistics space, our employees turn over some 10,000 parcels packed with power tools on a daily basis. And in the context of an ongoing Proof of Concept (PoC), they have been receiving automated support from driverless floor conveyors.

Tugbot Roboter

At the FIEGE location in Greven-Reckenfeld, two Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) assist with the storing of small items.

Fast & Forward 2021

Yesterday saw FIEGE once again invite clients, partners, and friends of the company to join it for its FAST & FORWARD event in Berlin. This year’s networking get-together was dedicated to sustainability.


FIEGE has invested in the German logistics start-up, sennder, as part of the company’s June extension to its Series D funding round. The logistics company will act as an investor and a strategic partner to the Berlin-based entity that, since its formation in 2015, has become Europe’s leading digital road freight forwarder.

Hero Fiege Brand

XPRESS Ventures, FIEGE's company builder, launched in 2019 as FIEGE’s very own brand. It is a further building block in the FIEGE Group's investment strategy which strives to systematically advance technology-driven ideas from within its own organisation as well as external founders.

Heyconnect Gründer

E-tailing is a booming market with the number of online transactions on marketplaces like Zalando, Amazon, Otto growing by the minute. The Hamburg-based start-up Heyconnect helps brands and retailers connect with online platforms and supports them in using marketplaces as a sustainable sales channel. The fulfilment provider Fiege has now joined forces with the company.

Sustainability & Responsibility

Spendenübergabe an Outlaw

Specialising in services for children and young people, Outlaw welcomes the financial contribution received from the Josef Fiege Stiftung. Outlaw is a Germany-wide provider of child and youth services that runs eleven daycare facilities in the district of Steinfurt alone. Beyond this, the provider offers mobile on-site childrearing and consultation support at primary schools.

Spendenübergabe der Josef Fiege Stiftung an die Königskinder

As an outpatient hospice care service for children, Königskinder welcomes the financial contribution received from the Josef Fiege Stiftung. The team of the Münster-based organisation offers care and comfort to children and teenagers suffering from a terminal illness by providing a broad range of help services to them and their families.


The Josef Fiege Foundation has honored two elementary schools in Münster and Greven for special projects in the areas of sustainability and environmental protection. The Martin Luther School in Greven and the Clemens School in Münster won the 2023 Environmental Award, which comes with prize money of 1,000 euros.

Übergabe des Spendenschecks an das "MExLab ExperiMINTe"

The Josef Fiege Stiftung supports 'MExlab ExperiMINTe'. The central operating unit at the University of Münster and also the networking point for 'Kinder forschen Münster' – a Münster-based foundation that focuses on education in STEM from an early age – doubles as an after-school destination where children and young people learn about STEM. The donation of 500 euros goes towards expanding the funding programme for children’s day-care centres.

Spendenübergabe an die Anne Frank Schule

The Josef Fiege Stiftung has donated € 500 to the Anne-Frank-Realschule, a secondary school in Greven. The money will go towards a free breakfast programme for pupils who are unable to eat breakfast before lessons for various reasons.

FIEGE Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

The FIEGE Group has pledged its commitment to becoming carbon neutral and has now published its first sustainability report. The report is informed by the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and refers to the financial year 2022. In anticipation of the mandatory EU regulations which will come into effect starting 2025, it aims to create transparency for clients, partners, and other stakeholders.

Laptopübergabe an die Outlaw Kinder- und Jugendhilfe an der FIEGE Zentrale

FIEGE regularly donates IT equipment that it no longer needs to educational and social organisations. Now the Greven-based family business has handed over 46 laptops to three institutions from Münster that are involved in child and young welfare.

Übergabe des Spendenschecks an den Verein »für nierenkranke Kinder« e.V.

»für nierenkranke Kinder« e.V. is a Münster-based charity supporting children with kidney disease. The organisation was thrilled to receive a donation from the family business, FIEGE. The funds were donated by employees of the Greven-based logistics company as well as the company’s own foundation, the Josef Fiege Stiftung.

PV-Anlage auf dem Dach eines FIEGE Logistikzentrums

Climate neutrality is not achieved overnight – but FIEGE is definitely on its way. Climate neutrality has been laid out clearly and established as a goal. But how does an enterprise change into becoming a sustainable business? It needs determination, focus, conviction – and a good plan.

Übergabe der Laptops an die Anne-Frank-Realschule.

FIEGE regularly donates IT equipment that is no longer needed to educational and social institutions. In January, the Greven-based family business handed over 40 laptops plus the respective accessories to the Anne-Frank-Realschule, a secondary school in Greven, to boost digital teaching.

FIEGE Weihnachtsexpress bei einem der Gewinner.

The FIEGE Christmas Express rolled through the Münsterland again in 2022 and visited families who especially deserved a little pre-Christmas surprise this year. The gratitude of the recipients was great - and one or two tears were shed.


Happy news just in time for the festive season: Fiege is to remain the main sponsor of the regional league’s football club, SC Preußen Münster. The contract, originally set to expire in summer of 2022, was renewed early until 30 June 2024 regardless of the club’s league affiliation.

Fiege Weihnachtsexpress

SC Preußen Münster and its main sponsor, FIEGE teamed up for some pre-Christmas surprises. “Because you deserve it” is the motto of FIEGE’s Xmas express which will be calling on 6 families in Münster and the surrounding areas. Preußen’s captain, Julian Schauerte and the goal-getter, Gerrit Wegkamp are also on board this year.

Inklusionsprojekt RED

FIEGE has called to life an innovative inclusion project in Nagarole Rocca. RED: Responsabilità e diversità – Responsibility and Diversity – is the name of the project that is dedicated to the employment and inclusion of by now eleven people with disability at the Italian facility.

Engergiemanagement Team

Since January 2020, the logistics company Fiege has been tapping into CO2-neutral power sources across Germany, thus investing sustainably into the protection of our climate. Next to greater energy efficiency and sensitising employees on the issue of climate protection, this is a further material step in the company’s approach towards stepping up sustainability at Fiege.