Laptop donation for the Vinzenzwerk

Lapstopspende FIEGE

FIEGE regularly donates disused and refurbished IT equipment to educational and social organisations in the Münsterland region. Now, the Greven-based family business handed over 20 laptops to the social education and inclusive child and youth welfare centre Vinzenzwerk Handorf.

Helping youth through digital participation: The Fiege Group is once again supporting the Vinzenzwerk Handorf e.V. with a donation of 20 laptops that are no longer needed within the company. The logistics service provider from Greven regularly cooperates with the Münster-based child and youth welfare organisation, which cares for up to 140 young people in its residential groups. The refurbishment and handover of the discarded but fully functional laptops was organised by the Josef Fiege Foundation.

Bernhard Paßlick, Managing Director of the Vinzenzwerk, says: “A big thank you to Fiege for this valuable support. If we were to purchase the laptops ourselves, we would not only have to spend a lot of money but also go through lengthy application and authorisation procedures. Thanks to the donation, the young people we look after can use the devices immediately. This is a huge advantage for us and makes our work much easier!”

Lapstopspende FIEGE

Handover of the laptop donation at the FIEGE headquarters in Greven (from left to right): Frank Sievers, Christoph Mangelmans (both Board members of the Josef Fiege Foundation), Bernhard Paßlick (Managing Director of Vinzenzwerk Handorf e.V.), Martina Schlottbom (Board member of the Josef Fiege Foundation) and Elisa Schwaiberger (Vinzenzwerk Handorf e.V.). (Photo: FIEGE)

Frank Sievers, who together with Martina Schlottbom, Christoph Mangelmans and Kai Alfermann forms the board of the Josef Fiege Foundation, explains: “By regularly donating IT equipment that is no longer used within our family business, we want to contribute to improving the digital participation of young people in the Münsterland region. We are delighted about the partnership with the Vinzenzwerk in Handorf and the fact that the laptops can be put to good use in terms of sustainability.”