FIEGE donates laptops to Anne-Frank-Realschule

FIEGE regularly donates IT equipment that is no longer needed to educational and social institutions. In January, the Greven-based family business handed over 40 laptops plus the respective accessories to the Anne-Frank-Realschule, a secondary school in Greven, to boost digital teaching.
A second life for disused IT equipment: Fiege has handed over 40 laptops from the company’s stock to Greven-based Anne-Frank-Realschule (AFR). The equipment is fully functional, yet no longer used by the logistics company. AFR will be using these laptops to improve digital teaching and integrate Ukrainian pupils that had to flee their country. The Josef Fiege Stiftung oversaw the refurbishment of the technology as well as the handover to the establishments.
Andreas Sornig, headmaster at Anne-Frank-Realschule in Greven says: “Teaching with the help of digital media is growing in importance when it comes to the work of the schools. We currently have 50 Ukrainian children at our school who, due to having fled their home country, do not have the needed terminal equipment. We are incredibly grateful that, because of the donation from Fiege, we are able to lend more devices to the pupils, allowing them to study digitally from home.”
Kai Alfermann, Executive Committee Member of the Josef Fiege Stiftung, explains: “In a modern and digitally connected family business like Fiege, our technology must always be up to date. However, much of the old equipment is still in a very good condition. We are pleased that we were able to help children and youngsters with these laptops and – with sustainability in mind – to have found a great solution to prolong their lifecycles.”
Fiege routinely hands over shelved technology to a range of different establishments. Next to the Anne-Frank-Realschule, the St. Mauritz Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Münster as well as Petri & Eichen, Diakonische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Bremen – both child and youth welfare organisations – received IT donations.