We move, supply and change the world with innovative Ecologistics.
As a company, we have a responsibility towards the environment and society. We constantly reflect on our actions as we aim to become better and more sustainable – step by step. Our long-term goal is to hand the family business to the next generation as a climate-neutral enterprise of solid financial standing. To achieve this, we do our best, every day.
In this regard, we as the FIEGE Group are issuing a declaration of principles on Human Rights. This is in addition to the FIEGE Group's Code of Conduct, which is the basis of our cooperation with our employees and also of our contractual relationships with our customers and suppliers.
In every step: Optimised processes for your customers.
Adapts to the needs of your business.
6 steps to your start with FIEGE OMS
Not sure how to get started with our order management system? Our order management experts will be happy to take over for you and keep your back free. We will set up the appropriate process in just 6 simple steps:
- Arrange a free appointment with our sales team
- Signing a contract
- Documents & access
- Onboarding
- Test phase
- Go Live
Contact us free of charge & get advice
Top listed: We already support these companies with our Order Management Suite

How many warehouses and stores can be connected?
There is no limit. As many stationary shops and warehouses can be connected as desired.
What is Unified Stock?
Unified Stock enables a holistic view of all stocks, regardless of where the goods are located.
Which omnichannel solutions are possible?
All common solutions, such as Ship from Store, Click & Collect, Return in Store, etc.
What are the advantages of Distributed Order Management for me as a retailer?
As a retailer, you can achieve the highest product availability in your online shop with Distributed Order Management. Any stock can be sold, no matter where it is located.
What happens during order orchestration?
Individual sets of rules can be defined by the retailer to determine which warehouse/store should fulfil the order.
Which documents can FIEGE cover?
All documents relevant to the purchasing process, such as invoices, delivery notes, returns slips or credit notes. If you are interested in other document types, please contact us at any time.
Which languages can FIEGE cover when creating documents?
All languages are possible.
Which currencies and payment methods can FIEGE cover?
In principle, all currencies and all common payment methods are possible in online business.
How much effort is involved in activating new payment methods?
We act as a payment orchestrator - this means that all possible payment methods can be set up with little effort.
Does FIEGE also offer the dunning process for purchase on account?
Yes, the retailer can decide how the process should be set up. As a rule, a payment reminder is sent by email after a few days, followed by two further letters, which often contain a reminder fee, before the case is handed over to the debt collection partner.
Which languages can FIEGE cover in Customer Service?
German and English as standard. We can also currently offer Polish, French, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. If you are interested in other languages, please contact us at any time.
Which channels does FIEGE offer in addition to telephony and e-mail?
In addition to the standard communication channels, we also offer chat, WhatsApp and social media.
What are the standard opening hours of FIEGE's Customer Service? Is Saturday also covered in the basic setup?
The opening hours for our basic set-up are from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00. The times can be flexibly varied by one hour. Saturday can be booked as an option.
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